FEMS Affiliates Letter December 2019

Friday, 20 December 2019 10:54

The FEMS Affiliates Letter is out! Read the December issue includiung news, grants, microbiology research, scientific events, job opportunities, and more...
We want to highlight especially the FEMS Summer School for Postdocs 2020, which is now Open to Applicants.


01.01.2020    Research and Training Grants
24.01.2020    FEMS-ASM Mäkelä-Cassell Travel Award for Early Career Scientists
01.03.2020    FEMS-Jensen Award
01.03.2020    Meeting Attendance Grants
10.03.2020    FEMS-Lwoff Award

The ÖGMBT has a very wide international network and is a member of several relevant scientific societies like FEMS. ÖGMBT members are automatically members of these societies and are entitled to benefits such as travel grants, short-term and long-term fellowships, Awards etc. Current CALLS and Deadlines are published on our webpage and are sent to our members within the ÖGMBT newsletter.

Further info: https://www.oegmbt.at/ueber-uns/internationales


Published in Allgemeine News